Saturday, December 6, 2008

Officially Starting My First Blog

Well here I am officially typing my first real entry to my first blog. How do you like that name I gave myself? Bet you can't say it three times fast....correctly that is. Hang with me, I am new at this so I don't quite know where to start.

I am sitting here eating a bowl of ice cream with my favorite (at the present) cereal on it, Fiber One Original. Rischa thinks it is nasty, but it's not really. It is kind of nutty tasting on ice cream. To be honest, it is not really as good just with milk as it is with ice cream. I can get that good calcium that way to, you know. Maybe that is just my justification for eating ice cream. It works for me. So now I am justifiably justified!!!

It is cold tonight...and suppose to be 25* in the morning. Burrrrrr

I started reading a new book last night. A friend of mine wrote it. "There's No Place Like Home", by Cathy Blount. Very well written about her family difficulties and heartache and how she overcomes them. Very inspirational and hard to put down till you have finished. Cathy is a very inspirational person to talk and listen to and has become a good friend. I met her at one of our Baptist Women's Retreats.

It is time to find my perch and prop my foot up now. So I will say good night John Boy.

1 comment:

Rischa said...

Haha....that cereal is TOO nasty! :-P

Enjoy the book! Night, night!

Love you,