Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This is what I am working on now. I still have a ways to go; edges to straighten, details, shading to do, and so forth. I will repost it when I finish. Just wanted to say hello to my readers and hope you have a wonderful day.

Since it is not time to say good night to John Boy, I shall say "Tootle Loo" for now.

ps. Trying to be a non slacker of the blog, like in the past!


Rischa said...

It's easy to be a blog slacker, isn't it? Now you know why I've been slack in the past....it's easy. lol Good for you, though. I'm still a slacker.

I'm loving the look of the new painting! I can't wait to see it when it's finished.

Love you,

Sharon-SkiesArt said...

Can't wait to see the finished paiting Bibbi....
I've seen some of you other paintings you and Rischa have done and they are wonderful.
I can't seem to get into acrylics as much as oil for some reason :(
I've seen pictures of your horses too and they are beautiful!!!
I have a best friend that has horses. Lots of work...but worth it.
see you soon... sharon :: skiesart