Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well, this was my first full day back at work....yep, I am pooped and need to prop. I finished up just in time to invent a little supper, eat and get to Bible Study on time. We had a good crowd tonight. Sometimes it's just a handful of us there. I am glad that we have it though because it gives me the mid week boost that I need. We are studying "30 Days To Understanding The Bible". It is a good book, easy to understand and learn.

I did not have time to take any more pictures of my paintings today, so you get a little break tonight. lol That is kind of like showing family pictures when friends come over. They look at them to be nice. At least you are in the privacy of your home, not face to face with me, and can run through them without having to make a comment, unless you want to. Thanks for the nice ones that I have received though. Now me, I like looking at other's photos. I love pictures.....

I think I hear a dish of ice cream with 'nasty cereal' on it, calling my name. I must go see about it now, so I shall say, "Good Night John Boy".


Denise said...

Oh Bibbi, don't be so humble! You ARE a wonderful artist and, just like you, there are so many others out there (including myself) who can spend hours just simply admiring others' works.
Hope you had a good day back at work!
Take care,

Rischa said...

I hope your foot's not hurting from standing on it so long.

Denise is right, you are a wonderful artist and I, too, enjoy seeing other people's art.

Love you,