Monday, December 8, 2008


I had boiled some peanuts a couple of days ago and there was a cup of them left and sitting on the counter. James had told Kolby to remember to give the cows some salt blocks tomorrow. Kolby said, "if I don't forget". That is when James spelled out "salt" with the peanuts so Kolby would see it and remember to do his little job. A little while later James said,"don't let me forget to pick up the checks in the morning". In return for the favor he had reminded Kolby with, James got in return from Kolby, spelling "checks". Maybe it will work. Are they creative or what?

Sometimes I wish that I had one of those little things that you talk into and it records what you say. Then you can play it back when you can't remember what you are suppose to pick up and etc. I misplace my list sometimes so I probably would loose the little gadget too.
Kolby and I read "The Gift of the Magi" today. Hard to read but if you stop along the way and think about what it is saying and talk about it, it is a good and inspirational story. The wording and how they place the words in the sentence is what is hard for me to grasp until I go back and reread and analyze it as I go. Really it is a good story behind it....kind of sad too.
Kolby put up the Christmas tree today but that is as far as we got with it. Maybe tomorrow we can add the lights and decorations. This is early for me, you know! I have some goodies that I want Kolby to make too. I think he will enjoy it. I'll let you know how it goes and maybe have some pictures too.
It is about perching time again so as usual, Good Night John Boy!

1 comment:

Rischa said...

I like how you say "Good night, John Boy" at the end of each post.

Kolby puts up our tree, too. Hmm...wonder why OUR tree isn't up yet? Hmmm??? ;-)

That's so funny how they spelled out the reminders. And I'm glad you thought to take a photo of it. It gave me a giggle.

I talked to Kolby and Mam-maw today while you were picking up the girls. Sorry I missed talking to you.

Love you,

PS I love that you now have a blog for ME to read! I see why you're always telling me to update mine. lol