Thursday, December 11, 2008


Not a lot going on around here today. Don't tell anybody but I did a few hair cuts today. I scattered them out over the day...not like standing there long and the time. Don't fuss at me please. I miss my customers and friends and also the money.

I have to go to the doctor tomorrow for them to re-xray my foot to see if the bones are still lined up like they are suppose to be and everything else is like it is suppose to be too. Maybe I am not giving it enough time to heal but I can't tell that it is any better than before surgery yet. I hope I am wrong!

We had rain rain and more rain today. It was much needed. So far it is up to 3 inches and still raining. Thank you Jesus!

Well, this is the finish of my "Shortie" for tonight. I am headed toward my perch now, so this is good night John Boy!

ps...See, I got my time fixed...Thank you, Rischa!

1 comment:

Rischa said...

I'm glad y'all finally got some rain.

Good job on the time thing.

How'd your doc visit go? What did he say?

Love you,